Secondary Education

Secondary education in AUSD is proud to offer students a robust educational program that includes opportunities for advanced placement courses, career technical education classes, and college prep courses. Students can opt for numerous enrichment opportunities, such as a comprehensive music/band program, athletics, clubs, tutoring, and social-emotional support. In addition, students in AUSD have access to work-based learning opportunities, career planning, internships, career-based field trips, and networking opportunities with industry professionals. Parent and community engagement is encouraged as we prepare AUSD secondary students for college, career, and life.

Lindsay Wisely Director of Secondary Education

Lindsay Lopez-Wisely

Director of Secondary Education

(925) 779-7500, ext. 53200

Katherine Ingalls

Katherine Ingalls

Assistant Director of Athletics and Community Engagement

(925) 779-7500, ext. 40175

Chris Samson work based learning coordinator

Christina Rich

Work Based Learning Coordinator

(925) 779-7500, ext. 42862

Brenda Larson

Brenda Larsen

Educational Services Administrative Assistant

(925) 779-7500, ext. 4058

Kendra Ebinger Work based learning coordinator

Kendra Ebinger

Supervisor – Career Technical Education

(925) 779-7500, ext. 43603